留学在线 2022-04-28 17:49
The University of Portsmouth also accepts valid and verifiable TOEFL MyBest Scores.
For most of our Bachelor's degrees, you need a score of79with a minimum of:
18 in Reading
17 in Listening
20 in Speaking
17 in Writing
For most of our Master's degrees, you need a score of91with a minimum of:
20 in Reading
19 in Listening
21 in Speaking
20 in Writing
Robert Gordon University also now accepts MyBest™ scores for the TOEFL iBT® test, in addition to TOEFL iBT scores from a single test date.
We do not accept the TOEFL MyBest Score report. Scores from multiple testscannotbe used to fulfil the University's English language requirements.
'My Best Scores' reported by TOEFL willnotbe considered.
Please note that TOEFL iBT MyBest Score isnotacceptable for meeting the English language requirement.
English requirements must be met in a single test. We donotaccept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
We consider TOEFL scores achieved within a single test,rather thanconsidering MyBest scores.
We donotaccept the TOEFL paper-based test, or MyBest scores.
The University of Warwick only accepts TOEFL (iBT) scores from the single most recent test date,notMyBest scores.
Please note the University of Leeds doesnotaccept TOEFL MyBest scores and expects candidates to have met the relevant requirements from a single TOEFL test.
The University of Southampton doesnotrecognise MyBest scores and will only accept scores taken in one sitting within the 2 years immediately preceding the programme start date.
We accept the TOEFL iBT scores from a single test date, butnotTOEFL MyBest™ scores.
以下来自ETS 2018年10月的最新整理:
牛津大学 | 100(L22,R24,W24,S25) |
剑桥大学 | 110(单项不低于25) |
帝国理工学院 | 92(单项不低于20) |
伦敦大学学院 | 92(单项不低于20) |
伦敦政治经济学院 | 107(L24,R25,W27,S24) |
爱丁堡大学 | 92(单项不低于20) |
伦敦国王学院 | 80(单项不低于20) |
曼彻斯特大学 | 80 |
布里斯托大学 | 92 |
华威大学 | 92(L21,R22,W21,S23) |
格拉斯哥大学 | 90(L19,R19,W23,S19) |
谢菲尔德大学 | 88(L17,R18,W17,S20) |
杜伦大学 | 92(单项不低于23) |
伯明翰大学 | 80(L17,R18,W17,S20) |
南安普顿大学 | 72 |
约克大学 | 79 |
伦敦玛丽女王大学 | 79 |
埃克塞特大学 | 90(L21,R22,W21,S23) |
兰卡斯特大学 | 93(L17,R18,W17,S20) |
诺丁汉大学 | 79(L20,R18,W17,S20) |
利兹大学 | 87(L20,R20,W21,S22) |
阿伯丁大学 | 78(L17,R18,W21,S20) |
萨塞克斯大学 | 88(L20,R19,W23,S21) |
圣安德鲁斯大学 | 92(单项不低于20) |
莱斯特大学 | 80 |
不少学校在设置成绩要求时设置了不同梯队,如Band ABCD或Standard/Higher Level,上表仅体现最低标准。实际要求请以各校官网为准。
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